HMRC is likely investigating the two big landlord tax avoidance firms. What should their clients do?
We recently wrote about two landlord tax avoidance outfits: Less Tax for Landlords and Property118. They together advised thousands of
We recently wrote about two landlord tax avoidance outfits: Less Tax for Landlords and Property118. They together advised thousands of
We’ve reviewed multiple Property118 client files to investigate how they implement their tax avoidance scheme. We’ve found that the scheme
UPDATED 1pm on 13 October with comment from HSBC UK Here’s “property guru” and Youtuber Ranjan Bhattacharya promoting the Property118
We’re being SLAPPed by tax avoidance outfit “Property118” We said their landlord tax avoidance scheme didn’t work and, worse, could
Since our original report, we’ve received numerous reports of clients’ and advisers’ experiences with Property118. This short report explains one
Following our report on Property118, landlords have been getting in contact and asking what they should be doing. Tax Policy
Property118 is a tax avoidance boutique which works in a “joint venture” with a barristers chambers called Cotswold Barristers. They